Avaliação Mediadora, um objeto em construção
Quando se estuda a obra de Jussara Hoffmann, sobre Avaliação
Mediadora, crê-se que é praticamente impossível avaliar do jeito que a autora propõe. No
entanto, ao delimitar o espaço avaliativo e as setas do caminho, parafraseando
a autora, conclui-se que é possível avaliar a partir das hipóteses apresentadas
pelos alunos, valorizando suas construções, desde que haja lucidez suficiente
por parte do Professor e que ele não abandone o seu papel de líder e de
organizador das ações pedagógicas e educativas.
Muitos professores acreditam que se o seu aluno é uma fonte de conhecimento,ainda que hipotético e invalidado pelo dispositivo normativo, ao nivelar o aluno a si
mesmo,como construtor de conhecimentos, entendendo o professor como um sujeito em construção, é invalidar o seu
papel social de parceiro mais experiente, levando em conta que a aprendizagem,
o ensino e as suas relações se estabelecem a partir de parcerias, construídas
com bases cognitivas, afetivas e culturais.
Dilui-se então, o papel de mestre, aquele que tudo sabe, o pastor que conduz as ovelhas. Está claro que essa representação imagética do docente é falaciosa, tendo em vista que até os próprios Cursos de Formação estão em fase de acabamento.
Na realidade, o ensino é transmissivo, o ambiente é reprodutivo de
relações hierárquicas, os próprios familiares dos alunos esperam que a
avaliação seja dada de forma rígida.
Soma-se a isso a possibilidade da apropriação
incorreta das ideias da autora que pode transformar o ambiente educativo numa
desordem total.
Em relação a isso, para início de conversa, está a apropriação incorreta das Leis do ECA (Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente) por parte das crianças que visualizam os seus direitos e nunca os seus deveres, juntando a boas intenções da Lei da Palmada, que constrange a maioria das mães d dos pais a não repreenderem seus filhos e filhas por medo de punição em forma da Lei.
Utilizaram para isso,em parte, uma figura triste que se tornou midiática pela gravidade de seu caso, a barbárie levada ao extremo, o assassinato do menino Bernardo pelo seu pai, por motivo torpe e pela disputa de herança.
Nós, cidadãos médios e comuns, não estamos barbarizando nossas crias ao darmos uma outra palmada ou cintada, estamos disciplinando num ponto em que a autoridade do pai , da mãe, da Professora, foi diluída e invalidada por mecanismos que obedecem aos "Direitos humanos".Lógico que a Professora não pode nem sonhar em repreender o seu aluno ou aluna.
A práxis é acentuada, o balaio de gatos fica cada vez maior.
A escola continua sendo a reprodutora da desigualdade social.como diria Bordieu e Passeron.
Pois, ao se abrandarem as penas e as normas, aprova criança para a série posterior sem saber de nada, ainda assim estão negando o direito de participar de forma igualitária com os filhos da elite, pois o Vestibular é instrumento de corte.
A Avaliação Mediadora tem seus desdobramentos que permitem ao Professor ter humildade na hora de avaliar. No entanto,mudam-se as teorias e as Leis.
O sistema permanece imutável, para isso, antes de avaliar é necessário JOGO DE CINTURA.
Para pensar a Avaliação, deve-se despir-se de utopias, que não estão a serviço da Educação de qualidade, buscando o resgate do sistema, pois o professor, ele mesmo, como sujeito não pode muito contra as bases estabelecidas do Sistema que é transmissivo e reprodutor.
Mediator Assessment, an object under construction
In studying the work of Hoffmann Jussara on Mediator Assessment, it is believed that it is virtually impossible to assess the way the author proposes. However, in defining the evaluative space and arrows of the way, to paraphrase the author, it is concluded that it is possible to assess from the assumptions made by the students, valuing their buildings, provided there is sufficient clarity on the part of the teacher and that he did not relinquish its role as a leader and organizer of pedagogical and educational activities.
Many teachers believe that if your student is a source of knowledge, albeit hypothetical and invalidated by legislative provisions, while leveling the student himself, as a builder of knowledge, understanding the teacher as a subject under construction, is to invalidate their role social savvy partner, taking into account that learning, teaching and their relationships are established through partnerships built with cognitive, affective and cultural bases.
Then dilute the role of teacher, one who knows everything, the shepherd who leads the sheep. It is clear that the image representation of the teaching is misleading, given that even the own Training Courses are being finalized.
In fact, education is transmissive, the environment is reproductive hierarchical relationships, the relatives of the students expect that the evaluation is given rigidly.
Added to this the possibility of improper appropriation of the ideas of author who can transform the educational environment in total disarray.
In relation to this, to begin with, is incorrect ownership of the Laws of ACE (Statute of Children and Adolescents) by children who see their rights and their duties ever, joining the good intentions of the Law of Spanking, constraining most mothers of fathers rebuke his sons and daughters for fear of punishment in the form of the Law
Used for this, in part, a sad figure who became media for the severity of your case, taken to the extreme barbarism, murder Bernardo boy by his father, for base reasons and the inheritance dispute.
We, average and ordinary citizens, we are not practicing barbarism against our pups to give another spanking or belted, disciplining're at a point where the authority of the father, the mother, the teacher, was diluted and invalidated by mechanisms that meet the "Rights human ". course that Professor can not even dream to rebuke your student has.
For us, it is clear that the child or adolescent can not always defend against ameaçãos about their physical integrity and life. Often we are with the disciplinary actions, protecting them against themselves at a stage where the findings are intense.
The school remains the reproducer of social inequality, according to Bourdieu and Passeron.
Since, by slowing the penalties and rules, approving students and students for the subsequent series without knowing anything, yet they are denied the right to participate equally with the children of the elite, for the Entrance Examination is cutting instrument.
The Mediator Assessment has its developments that allow the teacher to have humility when evaluating. However, they move the theories and laws.
The system remains unchanged for this, is necessary before assessing SET OF WAIST.
To think the rating, you must undress utopias, which are not in the service of quality education, seeking to rescue the system, because the teacher himself, as a subject, can not really against the established foundations of that system is transmissive and breeder.
It is necessary, first of all, to legislate on the issue, pointing out also that the common law are parallel to the common duties.
Mediator Assessment, an object under construction
In studying the work of Hoffmann Jussara on Mediator Assessment, it is believed that it is virtually impossible to assess the way the author proposes. However, in defining the evaluative space and arrows of the way, to paraphrase the author, it is concluded that it is possible to assess from the assumptions made by the students, valuing their buildings, provided there is sufficient clarity on the part of the teacher and that he did not relinquish its role as a leader and organizer of pedagogical and educational activities.
Many teachers believe that if your student is a source of knowledge, albeit hypothetical and invalidated by legislative provisions, while leveling the student himself, as a builder of knowledge, understanding the teacher as a subject under construction, is to invalidate their role social savvy partner, taking into account that learning, teaching and their relationships are established through partnerships built with cognitive, affective and cultural bases.
Then dilute the role of teacher, one who knows everything, the shepherd who leads the sheep. It is clear that the image representation of the teaching is misleading, given that even the own Training Courses are being finalized.
In fact, education is transmissive, the environment is reproductive hierarchical relationships, the relatives of the students expect that the evaluation is given rigidly.
Added to this the possibility of improper appropriation of the ideas of author who can transform the educational environment in total disarray.
In relation to this, to begin with, is incorrect ownership of the Laws of ACE (Statute of Children and Adolescents) by children who see their rights and their duties ever, joining the good intentions of the Law of Spanking, constraining most mothers of fathers rebuke his sons and daughters for fear of punishment in the form of the Law
Used for this, in part, a sad figure who became media for the severity of your case, taken to the extreme barbarism, murder Bernardo boy by his father, for base reasons and the inheritance dispute.
We, average and ordinary citizens, we are not practicing barbarism against our pups to give another spanking or belted, disciplining're at a point where the authority of the father, the mother, the teacher, was diluted and invalidated by mechanisms that meet the "Rights human ". course that Professor can not even dream to rebuke your student has.
For us, it is clear that the child or adolescent can not always defend against ameaçãos about their physical integrity and life. Often we are with the disciplinary actions, protecting them against themselves at a stage where the findings are intense.
The school remains the reproducer of social inequality, according to Bourdieu and Passeron.
Since, by slowing the penalties and rules, approving students and students for the subsequent series without knowing anything, yet they are denied the right to participate equally with the children of the elite, for the Entrance Examination is cutting instrument.
The Mediator Assessment has its developments that allow the teacher to have humility when evaluating. However, they move the theories and laws.
The system remains unchanged for this, is necessary before assessing SET OF WAIST.
To think the rating, you must undress utopias, which are not in the service of quality education, seeking to rescue the system, because the teacher himself, as a subject, can not really against the established foundations of that system is transmissive and breeder.
It is necessary, first of all, to legislate on the issue, pointing out also that the common law are parallel to the common duties.
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